Monday, June 21


Hope you had an awesome weekend everybody! It was my birthday yesterday. I can tell I'm getting older because I seriously have to really think about how old I am when people ask (am I 26? or am I 27? wait, i'm 27, no wait, I'm 26). I kid you not when I say someone asked my age recently and not only did I have that conversation in my head, but I had it out loud. And I think rather than sympathizing with me, they definitely thought I was a. a wee bit crazy or b. not too bright.

Well, now I can say I'm 27, whether I want to or not (It's seems like just yesterday was my 17th birthday when my friend Erin and I spent the whole year quoting Josie Gellar in Never Been Kissed, "I'm 17, I'm 17...I'm 17"). Chris and I spent the weekend with my family in Charlotte eating good food, more good food, momma's homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter icing and enjoying time with my mom, dad, sister, brother, sister-in-law, and one of my two nieces. When we arrived back on Sunday, Chris gave me this card that he made me, along with some fantabulous other gifts! So, if you need a Birthday card, we have just added it to our Etsy shop.

My birthday, being on June 20th, has occasionally fallen on Father's Day and this year it did again. Being a Daddy's girl, I personally think my dad is the greatest, hardest working, funniest dad in the universe. It was very nice sharing my birthday with a day that celebrates him because without him, I wouldn't have a birthday. So hope ya'll enjoyed your days with your dads or remembering your dads or loving the men who you consider your dads.


  1. When I have to remember my age my conversation (usually in my head) goes like this, "I'm either 33 or 34. Let's see, I was born in 76. This is 2010... but I haven't had my birthday yet this year. So I must be 33!" Phew. Ok, yep, I'm 33.

  2. Beautiful post!! Happy (late!) Birthday! xoxo

  3. Stacy: okay, thank the Lord, i'm not alone!

    Melissa: thank you so much! :)

  4. I have the same problem too! I think it started when I was 26. Must be something about leaving your early 20's that causes memory loss. I did tell Molly Corin the other day that I'm 26...that was a deliberate choice though, not a mistake. ;)

  5. Regan: okay, good. I think it is past your early 20's. It's like no longer exciting to age past that point. And deliberate age "miscalculations" are acceptable with children. It's for their own good! haha.


  6. Happy belated birthday! I am your newest follower! I stumbled upon your etsy store and fell head over heels for your paper goods! They are beautiful. I just love vintage style wedding invitations with a hint of whimsy :)

  7. Thank you so much Kelly! That is so sweet of you to say! :)
