Thursday, June 10


Chris and I bought an old tea tin at a thrift store a few years ago. It was a vintage "Darjeeling Tea" and I died over the packaging (like the teal one shown above) and also that I loved the movie (and any movie by Wes Anderson) The Darjeeling Limited.

But, since then, it's been sitting around as just an object. I am an interior designer also, and one of my pet peeves are things that don't serve a purpose. Even though we do have a few items around our house like that, I just like the majority of things to be sentimental or purposeful. Anyways, lately I have been seeing vintage tea tins as containers for flowers, and i'm LOVING it.

It's gorgeous and original for a wedding and perfect for your house or a dinner party.
I know what I'm doing with that tea tin now!


  1. Oh I heart vintage tea tins too! There are so many uses for them. But I do love them filled with a bunch of flowers!


  2. Love vintage tea tins, actually any cute tea tin vintage or not! And have many of them that I just can't part with. I've started using them for cut flowers but seeing the above photo I think I need to try and use them as planters as well. My herbs would look much cuter growing in a tea tin than in the plastic containers they are currently in.

  3. Kristi: I love it too! What other uses have you seen or done? I'm always looking for ways to use vintage containers!

    hip hip gin gin: Me too! I think they look so cool with a bunch I'm going to be on the hunt for more, I love groupings! You need to post photos of yours!
    I thought the herbs looked cool like that too! And I have mine in a big planter out front, but I'm thinking this is MUCH cuter too!


  4. I adore this, the design is so fun/quirky and I love reusing objects too. Go team tea tins!
