Thursday, September 9


As I was scrolling through Anthropologie's sweater section today, my eye was caught by something and my. mind. was. blown., upon seeing this little number. Now, i'm decidedly on the side of the fence that finds this a disaster and would never wear it, and I'm all about interesting and quirky things so it's not like I don't get kitschy or ironice, but this....

And might I add, that I'm pretty much all "if Anthro is selling it, i'm buying it" so this is not a characteristic post for me. at all.
what side the fence you on?


  1. I'm on the side of the fence that is far far away from that pony!

  2. I don't really wear or shop for women's clothes, but I would have to agree with Kelley. It's a lot of look.

  3. Ya'll are so funny!
    Kelley, we are totally on the same side of the fence.
    Tommy, you are right sir, it is a LOT of look! haha


  4. I think I would probably wear it haha! Just saying! I really think I could work it!

  5. Christine! i'm sure you could but really?! It does not look flattering and it's $380. I could think of over 1 MILLION things that I would rather wear and spend money on and that would be more flattering.

    (This is my sister ya'll, so I can be real with her.)

    BUT, i would totally support you (from afar) if you did wear it...
    or maybe I need to see it on! and then you would change my mind and I would do another post that said
    My Little Pony (Addendum): It looks good.


  6. i'm pretty sure this sweater is just wrong in every way. no, no... i'm definitely sure.

  7. jen: me too...I tried to think about it really hard to see if there was a way to rock it (just to play devil's advocate) but i just laugh instead.

  8. Um, let's just say it would be perfect for an ugly sweater in it would win!!!

  9. Charity:
    I could not agree more! haha

